

神感動神的的僕人Pastor Keith 牧師,將在2010年1月27日下午七點三十分,在南港靈糧堂舉行唯一一場"如何聆聽神的聲音特會"




願 主的心意放在南港弟兄姐妹的心中.

願 主的旨意行在南港靈糧堂如同行在天上! 


  以下是Pastor Keith的來信簡介. 

    Pastor Keith 在英國主僕宣教機構裡擔任國際連結同工, 每一年受主的差遣超過50個國家, 分享及教導與主親密的關係. SOLM專教導如何來到主的同在, 如何持守在主同在中以及教導傾聽主的聲音

      在約翰福音10:27中, 主耶穌說:"我的羊認得我的聲音". 因祂是主, 而這也是我們為什麼需要在許多學習的原因中, 其主要的原因, 因祂可以有效地指引我們的生命. 基督教不是只是另外一個宗教, 而是與敬愛的天父, 我們的主耶穌基督有彼此的關係.

      因著Pastor Keith本身與主的經歷, 他特別有負擔去教導那些無法更進一步享受主同在中的弟兄姐妹. 在這些弟兄姐妹中, 有許多是非常渴慕神的, 也領受過主的祝福與恩賜; 但是在靈裡, 因著從來沒有封存著與主親密的關係, 而被滿足. 在他的事奉中, 特別有感動來服事這些弟兄姐妹來發展與主親密的關係且持守下去. 

 請參閱以下原文來信簡介.  SOLM網站  and   Greetings.

  I would like to speak about Living consistently in God's presence. Here is some information about me: I am the International Co-ordinator for Servants of the Lord Ministries (SOLM) based in the UK . I trained under the care of the founder of SOLM, Pastor Joseph Hedgecock from the USA and have been in the ministry since 1989. God is currently sending me to over 50 nations each year, sharing and teaching on the subject of fellowship and communion with God.


This is a critical message for those in the Body of Christ who want to get to know Him more.  Our ministry teaches how to come in the presence of the Lord, abide consistently in His presence and learn to hear His Voice. The Lord said, "My Sheep Hear My Voice" in John 10:27. He is Lord and therefore one of the main reasons why we need to learn to hear is so that He can effectively direct our lives. Christianity is not just another religion but it is a relationship with a loving Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

 The Lord himself gave this commission to the founder of SOLM, Joseph Hedgecock years ago. He said, "I have children in every nation and you have brothers and sisters whose hearts are crying out to Me. They have sought me for ministry, blessings and gifts. I have given them those things and it has blessed them. But there is a part of their spirit that it never fulfilled that is reserved for an intimate relationship with Me. Now their hearts are crying out to Me, just for Me. That is who I am sending you to because I do not want them to take the years it took you to get to me, because there was no one to show you how at the time you desired it." I was in a similar situation myself and someone helped me to see what I was doing wrong. Therefore I have a burden to reach those who want to know why they are not enjoying a closer relationship with the Lord. 

Please send me details of the place where I will be speaking. I also need to know the time of the meeting. I have a friend near the airport who can also look after me and perhaps house me. I will ask there first.


Yours in Christ,




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